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Simple Go green tips for your Dallas Apartment

Going Green in Dallas: Some simple tips for busy people.

  |     |   Dallas Apartments

Many of us have become more mindful of our health and developed more conscience about taking actions that make our lifestyle more eco-friendly. It has steadily become the norm to mind the use of our natural resources as they’re limited. Taking into account that we have to reduce pollution, but many of us are busy with all our daily responsibilities, what are some quick changes we can make to become “greener”?


Here are some easy ways in which you can start going green in Dallas. 


Bike to work!

Over 10% of our Carbon Dioxide (CO2) gas emissions come from road traffic. If your commute is not significantly long, consider investing in a bicycle! You can start by biking a few days of the week. You can also combine public transportation and biking if you live a little further away from work. By using your car less, you will be significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions and saving money on gas!


Invest in a reusable water bottle.

One of the quickest ways of using less plastic is by avoiding the purchase of bottled water. Plastic bottles release chemicals that are bad for your health, plus not all of them get adequately recycled and only add to the waste that keeps getting collected in our oceans and lands. Use a water filter at home and refill your bottle every day. You will stay hydrated, and feel better by knowing you are not creating more waste. Here are some tips on how to choose a reusable water bottle.


Buy from your farmers’ market!

By buying from your local farmers’ market, not only you are supporting local business owners, but you are also helping to reduce your carbon footprint by purchasing vegetables and fruits that are in season and that have not traveled far to get to your city. Most of the food products in farmers’ markets are organic, and it is always fresher than the ones in grocery stores. Going to a farmers’ market is fun! Some of them have arts and crafts by local artists and live music. The Dal-Rich Towne Square Farmers’ Market happens on Saturdays and it’s only ten minutes away from Churchill on the Park! They have many vendors that sell tasty food. Don’t forget to bring your reusable bags!


Mind your energy usage.

Turn the AC off as you leave home. There’s no use in keeping it on if no one is there! About 11% of our greenhouse gas emissions come from the CO2 generated by buildings’ AC units. It is best to avoid it altogether. To keep your house fresh, you can leave the windows open, or shut down the blinds. If you have electric fans, consider using these instead when you are home. You will lower your energy bills and cut down on pollution!


Which of these tips do you already apply? At Churchill on the Park, we care about the environment and our community. What are some ways in which you participate in the eco-friendly movement? Share your tips with us in the comments!

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