We know Thanksgiving in Dallas will be a little different this year, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t make it great. Sure it's 2020, so we must social distance to stay safe, but we can still celebrate. Check out these can’t miss ideas to make Thanksgiving 2020 better than ever at Churchill in the Park.
Cooking Tips and Recipes
This year make sure your Thanksgiving feast gives your family and close friends something to be thankful for with these tips and recipes. Let’s face it. Thanksgiving is about the turkey, so make sure yours is moist and delicious.
Start by brining the bird. Combine 1 ½ gallons and 2 ½ cups of salt in a large container. Place the fresh or thawed Turkey (to thaw in the fridge – allow 24 hours per 4 pounds of the bird) inside and brine overnight (up to 24 hours).
Rinse the Turkey off and pat dry before roasting. Season with pepper, salt, garlic, and a little citrus (place cut lemons inside the cavity). If you want that golden color, then baste with a light layer of butter (this can be repeated every couple of hours). Roast for roughly 15 minutes per pound and use an instant read thermometer to pull it out of the oven at 165 degrees. Cover the bird with aluminum foil and let it rest for 30 minutes.
Arts and Crafts
While the turkey is being prepped, it’s time for some fun. We all know it’s going to be hard to get out and spend time with friends and family this Thanksgiving. It’s up to you to make sure that your arts and crafts help your guests celebrate the holiday.
Start with a gratitude wreath for your door. Grab some colored construction paper and shape them into flat cones (we recommend gold and brown), glue on wheat stalks, attach the cones to a metal wreath base and paint with gold spray paint.
This is the season to be thankful, so why not help the family with a gratitude calendar? Start with an empty picture frame and run 5 lines of twine vertically inside the frame (gluing them in place). Then, use construction paper (we cut ours into leaf shapes). Write a note every day of November about what you are thankful for. Pin the notes to the twine with clothespins, and you will have a great DIY piece that communicates the Thanksgiving spirit!
Online Black Friday Shopping in Dallas
This will be a Black Friday unlike any other. No more crazy lines or packed checkout stands. Instead, many local retailers are taking Black Friday online! Luckily, many stores are open in Dallas and will deliver as well as provide curbside pickup. Check out the NorthPark Center and The Shops at Park Lane. They are sure to have some great deals!
The local grocery stores are also open for your Thanksgiving needs. Deliveries are available from restaurants and markets. This is a great time to get your supplies online and orders delivered.
Social distancing will definitely make Thanksgiving different this year, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be a fun and safe holiday for everyone. Curbside and at-home delivery make it easier than ever to get the decorations, supplies, and food you will need to make Thanksgiving a hit and to make your Black Friday Shopping better than ever. Don’t be afraid to get creative with some inspiring at home crafting ideas.